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Interested in applying for membership? Please click on the blue APPLICATION button below to get started!
A Quick Overview of BSYC Fees and Costs:
Membership Dues:
Year(s) Total
1 $984.63
2-5 $821.69
6+ $678.75
Year 1 includes Initiation and Assessment Fees. Years 2-5 include Assessment Fee.
Totals include NY State sales tax.
Dues are payable on October 1 for the following calendar year.
Dock Space:
Dock slip (in water with water & electric) allocation is based upon the following factors:
a. Preference is given to members who were allocated a slip during the previous summer season.
b. Thereafter, allocation is based upon a member’s position on a waiting list and the boat size. Not all slips that become available can accommodate all sizes of boats.
c. There are additional fees charged for a dock slip based upon your boat length.
Boat Storage:
Summer Season: Space is available, for a fee, to store small boats, paddleboards, kayaks, trailers, and boat cradles.
Winter Season: There is a per foot charge for winter storage (wet or dry) for boats on club property.
Social Events:
Most club social events have a per-person cost.
Youth Sailing Program:
There are additional fees per child for participation in the club’s summer youth sailing program.
Q: What is the process to become a member?
A: You must be sponsored by two regular members. You or your sponsor may obtain an application from this website. The sponsor will submit all paperwork to the Membership Committee.
Q: How long does the membership process take to complete?
A: The process may take two to three months.
Q: What are other requirements for membership?
A: New members have a 24-month probationary period in which they are required to volunteer for two events per year. After 24 months and completing their volunteer requirements, new members will be entitled to all club privileges.
Q: What happens after the membership committee gets the membership documents?
A: The Membership Committee will review the sponsor and seconder recommendations along with the application and then submit the names to the Board of Governors. The entire membership will then be advised of the name of each candidate and of his/her sponsor and seconder. Members will advise the Membership Committee of any pertinent information (positive or negative) concerning the candidate. The candidate's name will then be submitted to the Board of Governors for a vote.
Q: How does a new member get involved with the club's activities once approved?
A: The easiest way is for the sponsor or seconder to invite their candidate to the club to work together on a committee, party, or event. You may also contact any committee chairperson listed in the yearbook and volunteer your services if they haven't contacted you. Visit the club any time there is an activity that interests you.
Sailing Member:
Sailing Membership is available to any person who has attained the age of 18 years but not yet 24 years by January 1st of the year in which application is made. A Sailing Member shall be entitled to represent the Bay Shore Yacht Club in any and all regattas, sailing events and sailing activities sanctioned by the Club, the GSBYRA, the USSA or any sailing Class Association. Sailing Members may not vote or hold office. Sailing Members shall not have any social or house privileges, except for social events designated by the Board of Governors as directly related to sailing. Sailing Membership must be renewed annually by application and will not be automatically renewed.
Sailing Associate Member:
A special pilot membership is available to adult one-design sailors. The basic guidelines are the same as a Sailing Member with the exception of age. The Sailing Associate fee includes storage of a one-design boat and the use of the hoist. There are no other club benefits. The member must represent BSYC in a minimum of 25% of GSBYRA regattas. The Member may attend social functions as a guest when accompanied by an Active Member.
Intermediate Member:
Intermediate Membership is open to any individual, single and between the ages of 21 and 29 years, whose parent is a Regular Member, and entitles such member to the facilities of the Club but not the right to vote or to hold office.
Nonresident Member:
Nonresident Membership is available to Regular Members in good standing, on moving outside of a 100-mile radius of the Club. Nonresident Membership entitles such member to receive all publications of the Club, attend any Club function and participate in regattas as a Club member when in the area. Nonresident Members may not vote or hold office.
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